Friday, May 21, 2010

My daughter's first word... Helppooo

4 months and 10 days old, my daughter looked at me and said "Help" clearly, slowly and softly. I felt joyful that she started practising how to speak, and then felt a bit weird... "Help"?

I know it was not what she really meant because immediately after saying "Help" followed by "pooo" and bubbles... cute and adorable.

I was told by my parents parenting is hard as my mother always say to me "... wait until you have your own child and then you'd know how it feels" Now I know. The babies would go from happy to unhappy, satisfying to irritating and back and fore in a split second. Just right about when you're going to pat yourself on the back... they started crying. Arrrggg! I calmed down, I started right the way to diagnose, of course the check list... in my head I ran the list... hungry? no. wet? no. burp? no. too hot too cold? no. nothing works... then I laid her down in her crib and she stopped and felt asleep. "... I am tired... put me down you idiot" OH! for crying out loud that's what she was saying. Sighs!

Then, it got me thinking... Is it gonna get better or worst? which leads to the next question Do I know my parents better now than say 10 years ago? better yet... Do they know/understand me more now than 10 years ago? Sadly, now I know the answer to my first question. I know if I do what my parents did and my kids do what I did, history will repeat itself.

In the most humble way possible I ask God what can I do then I pray... and that's all I can do. Thanks God for giving us Lance and Shana. Thanks God for speaking to me through my daughter... "Help".

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